BNN COVID-19 Resource Center
For informed businesses and healthy communities
The dynamic shifts in events globally, nationally, and in our hometowns have transformed our world in ways we could not have imagined. Our task force is here to keep you informed of technical updates for individuals and businesses alike so you can understand the changes and mitigate risk. We encourage you to bookmark this page and check back frequently. We will update this page as new information is available.
Dayton Benway
Managing Principal
Dayton has more than 21 years of experience specializing in healthcare advisory services with a focus on hospitals, rural health clinics, physicians groups, home offices, nursing homes, and home health agencies.
COVID-19 Updates & Resources from our Practice Groups
We want to hear from you about your experience with the Paycheck Protection Program.
For many businesses the PPP forgiveness application process will be highly complex.
On March 27, the President signed into law the 880-page CARES Act. BNN’s tax team has put together a comprehensive guide to the tax features of the Act.
Tax rules are changing. Let us explain.
Changes are happening quickly. We have already seen an extended payment deadline, followed quickly by an extended filing deadline. We are watching the changes minute by minute and will share them with you in simple terms, relevant to you, so you can stay informed, make decisions, and take action.
All COVID-19 Tax Articles:
- The Fog of SBA/PPP Loan Scrutiny
- More Funding for PPP/EIDL
- Depreciable Life of Qualified Improvement Property
- How the Self-Employed Should Navigate the PPP Loans
- Recovery Rebates: Direct Payments to Individuals
- Many More Tax-Related Deadlines Qualify for July 15 Deferral
- Form 990 Filing Deadline is Extended to July 15
- BBA Partnerships are Given the Option to Amend 2018 and 2019 Tax Returns
- SBA and Treasury Issue Guidance for Paycheck Protection Program
- Tax Provisions of the CARES Act
- Payroll Tax Credits and Deferrals for Employers Offered Under the CARES Act
- The CARES Act and Tax-Exempt Organizations
- Net Operating Losses are Expanded
- Corporate Minimum Tax Credit Modifications
- Expansion of Allowed Losses for Non-Corporate Taxpayers
- Charitable Giving Opportunities are Expanded under the CARES Act
- Business Interest Limitation Modifications
- Temporary Waiver of Required Minimum Distribution Rules
- Retirement Funds – Penalty-Free Distributions and Loans
- The CARES Act Offers another SBA Loan Program
- COVID-19 – Potential Transfer Pricing Impact and How to Prepare
- CARES Act Summary by CCH
- IRS Q&A on the April 15 Filing and Payment Deferrals
- COVID-19 Loan Relief from the Small Business Administration
- No Tax Return Filing Reprieve for Nonprofits
- Tax Credit Provisions in Families First Coronavirus Response Act (H.R. 6201)
- Another Deferral – This Time, an April 15 Tax Filing Extension
- A Limited April 15 Tax Payment Extension
Contact our team with questions. We’re here to help.
A burdened healthcare landscape.
The healthcare industry has been feeling ever-increasing pressure over the last few months as the impact of coronavirus spreads across the globe. Hospitals, healthcare organizations, and insurance providers are facing unprecedented challenges as they work to protect, treat, and stop the spread of COVID-19. Let our healthcare advisors help you translate and navigate the operational and financial implications for your organization.
All COVID-19 Healthcare Advisory Articles:
- CARES Act Provider Relief Fund
- CMS Payment Increase for Rapid-Result COVID-19 Testing
- Enhancing Medicare Telehealth Services for FQHCs and RHCs During Emergency Period
- The CARES Act: A Summary of Sections Relevant to Healthcare Providers
- Level Selection for Office/Outpatient E/M Visits When Furnished Via Medicare Telehealth
- Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) Section 3719
Contact our team with questions. We’re here to help.
Finding assurance amidst uncertainty.
There’s no denying that COVID-19 will have a staggering impact on your bottom line. Social distancing and quarantines are forcing businesses and organizations across the country to significantly limit their operations or close completely. If you’re struggling with how to best run your business during this uncertain time and wondering what recovery will look like, we are here to help.
There’s a lot of information out there. Here’s some that might help.
- Business & Industry Association of New Hampshire COVID-19 Resources
- Your local Chamber of Commerce website: In the best of times, local chambers are here to help their local businesses. Chambers throughout New England and beyond are sharing some great updates. Check them out and stay informed.
- Business programs through the Finance Authority of Maine
- Checklist for Securing Remote Workers from InfoTech Research Group
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
All COVID-19 Assurance Articles:
Contact our team with questions. We’re here to help.
Business processes and supporting technologies are being challenged.
New challenges are rising daily across each industry. Reaction times may never have been as demanding as they are today. Our Business and Technology Advisory team is proactively assisting our clients with mitigating risks, keeping business flowing efficiently, and providing support with technology infrastructure. Let us help you refine and realize your plans – short and long term.
We will share all the tools we have at our disposal to make your reaction and business continuity stay ahead of this curve. To start, check out these online webinars from the National Cybersecurity Alliance covering a variety of risk and cybersecurity topics for small and medium-sized businesses.
Have questions? Contact Ilona Davis, Business and Technology practice lead.
All COVID-19 Business Advisory Articles:
Sign up for our alerts and follow us on social media to stay up to date with the latest news and updates impacting you and your business.
Doing our part to help our clients, colleagues, and friends stay safe under the threat of COVID-19
We also have an important job to do, as many of you have entrusted us with preparation of your tax returns, audits of your financial statements, and other services. Rest assured, we are going to fulfill our responsibilities, but the way we provide those services necessarily has changed somewhat in recent days, and it may change again.
The phrases “unprecedented times” and “social distancing” have become nomenclature for the world that surrounds us. At BNN, the phrases quality, responsiveness, timeliness, caring for others, and winning as a team are the fabric from which we were made. We will continue to be the trusted business partner you have come to rely on, especially during these challenging times.
BNN | Life During Covid
COVID-19 has sparked many changes this year, including life at BNN. See what the new normal looks like for the BNN team.