Nonprofit Organizations

We specialize in assurance and tax so you can specialize in changing the world

Serving the nonprofit industry has been a priority of our firm since its founding. Our team of experienced professionals are here to help you best serve your cause.

Let's Talk
Practice Lead

Anne Cloutier


Anne specializes in healthcare organizations and nonprofit entities.

We keep you focused on your good work

Nonprofit organizations and foundations rely on accurate financial reporting, strong internal controls, and regulatory and tax compliance to secure the resources that enable their vital work.  Among regional firms, BNN stands out for our experience and depth of work in the nonprofit space related to tax and assurance issues, including Form 990 and 990T compliance, financial statement audits, payroll/donor issues, IT consulting, internal control assessments, and more.

We live, work and volunteer in the same communities that are made better by our clients, so we truly understand what it means to be in this together. We thrive on solving your most complex challenges and delivering results with diligence, integrity, and confidence.

How we can help

We look forward to partnering with you.