COVID-19 Update: March 25, 2020

Greetings from Baker Newman Noyes,
I hope this message finds you and your family safe and healthy. With every passing day the obstacles created by the COVID-19 pandemic become increasingly challenging. At BNN, we confront these challenges with our clients, the BNN family, and our communities in mind.
Business continuity:
In that spirit, our offices in Massachusetts and Maine are now closed in accordance with the orders issued by Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker on Monday, March 23, and Maine Governor Janet Mills and Portland City Manager John Jennings on Tuesday, March 24. Should officials in New Hampshire make a similar order we are ready to comply with those instructions as well.
Fortunately, the significant majority of BNN associates are already working remotely making an order to shelter at home an easy transition. We continue to monitor the latest developments and advice from the CDC, as well as our state and local officials. All future decisions related to our invaluable associates and you will be made using the information we gather from trusted health professionals and government agencies.
As you consider the best method to share your documents with us in the days ahead we encourage you to use electronic transmission whenever possible. As our offices temporarily shut down and our associates work from home, the best way to get your information to your trusted BNN expert is through email or a client portal that can be found on our website here.
How we can help:
Although the view behind our laptop may have changed, our focus on high quality and timeliness have not. At BNN, we understand the vast number of questions and challenges you face whether in your personal life or as a business leader. We also understand the critical questions of today will transition to the long term strategies of tomorrow. We are committed to walk through these challenges with you side-by-side, and when you are ready we are here to help.
Our team of experts assess the most recent changes in economic conditions on a daily basis. We have created the BNN COVID-19 Resource Center on our website to help you navigate the myriad of information coming from agencies at the federal, state and local level. Check back to this page frequently as information is updated on a regular basis.
As New England residents, the philosophy “it takes a community” is more than a saying, it is a way of life. We are your neighbors, and we are here to help. Together we will get through this most recent challenge, and together we will care for one another.
Be strong, stay healthy, and call on us anytime.
Thank you for continuing to trust in Baker Newman Noyes.