Dan Gayer & Leanne Scott to Present at SCORE Maine Tax Forum

On Wednesday, November 2 and Thursday, November 3, Dan Gayer and Leanne Scott will present at the virtual SCORE Maine Tax Forum.
Dan will present Operation Of And Issues With Section 1061 on November 2 at 12:40 pm. The presentation will provide tax professionals with an overview of who section 1061 applies to, what happens if section 1061 applies, and when does section 1061 apply.
Leanne will present State Tax Nexus: Physical Presence Vs. Economic Nexus In A Virtual World on November 3 at 2:30 pm. This session will provide tax professionals with relevant information regarding the current state and local tax nexus landscape for sales/use, gross receipts, and income/franchise tax purposes.
Check out the SCORE Maine Tax Forum agenda to learn more about the presentations.
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